Murugadoss made a name for himself in Bollwood after the immense success of a Hollywood remake Ghajini starring Aamir Khan. Suriya and Murugadoss are once again back in action in a multilingual flick which will be made in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. Produced by Udayanidhi Stalin under the banner of Red Giant Movies, this project has already hit the floor in March this year. Suriya is busy with RGV movie Raktha Charitha is quite excited about his latest venture with Murugadoss.It is reported that Suriya has refused roles offered by stalwart like Vettrimaran just to be a part of this project by Murugadoss. Suriya adds, 'I just loved the script and I said yes to this movie. I had great experience working with Murugadoss earlier and how can I refuse such an exciting offer.'