Swami Vivekananda was an avatar. He lived for just 39 years (1863-1902). The amount of work he has done to wake up the people of this Country from hibernation is unimaginable. His writings in more than ten volumes are available in print. "Prabhuddha Bharata" the monthly journal started by Swamiji in 1896 is still continuing. I wish the younger generation read his writings to understand our Religious Culture and richness of our heritage. "Advaita Ashrama " website has published complete works of Swamiji in their website for free dreading: https://www.advaitaashrama.org/Home How true words of the Lord in Gita that he would appear in our Country in the form of human Avatars one after another Yada Yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyuthmanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham (Gita, ch: 4, Verse 7) Brahmanyan, Bangalore.