Democracy vs Theocracy
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06-14-2012, 05:43 PM
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Jul 2006
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Sri. Biswa, Greetings.
For convenience of experimentation let us assume that all the minorities somehow disappear (Actually this is not completely implausible if you look at the demographic situation in Pakistan/Bangladesh). It is really disheartening to see you mentioning Pakistan/Bangladesh to say 'minorities somehow disapper'. The minorities in those countries were forced to disapper by means of forced conversion, killing and moving away. Hindus are not barbaric like that. Although you just assumed, I like to say Hindus are not barbaric.
I don't remember India was under theocracy at anytime. Hinduism doesn't support theocracy. The mutts essentially doesn't interfere with the social fabric. Actually, that was the problem from the very beginning. All the high and nice sounding philosophies stayed in the discussions in the mutts, never trickled down to the laypersons of the society. But in Abrahamic religions, more so with Islam, central religious authority interferes with all aspects of individual lives.
A democracy can very easily turn into theocracy. Example is Iran. It turned from monarchy to democracy and overnight became a theocracy. Next on the making is Iraq. Afghanistan was the same. Egypt is going on that same track. Libya is no different.
But that may not happen with Hindus. Hindus fundementally have the policy of 'live and let live' for everyone including competing religions.
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