Vedic learning restricted to brahmins only - true or false?
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05-30-2012, 05:40 AM
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Jun 2008
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Dear all
On those days there was only one guru who taught everything. and the king offered money to guru to teach his student they lived in hut and need nothing except food and cloth. But to day teachers are meeting students and there are 1000 gurus who teach him. Now tell me who is guru?
Guru didn't beat Sishya and sishya didn't kill guru. The education started at 7 and concluded at 18, after which sishya will enter
married life
and at 21 he will enter in discussions and arrive a result. No creed for money. But to day?
This is what is education:
AchAryAth pAdham AdattE
sishya: pAdham swamEdhayA
pAdham sabrahmachAribya:
pAdham kAlakramEnacha.
Teacher gives quarter portion of the knowledge
Student, from his own intellect, learns another quarter portion
He learns another quarter portion by his interactions with his class-mates
The rest of the quarter portion to complete the knowledge acquisition comes in course of time (from life's experiences).
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