Vedic learning restricted to brahmins only - true or false?
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05-30-2012, 04:39 PM
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Apr 2007
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Lord Dakshinamurthy is the Guru for all of us. We have to think of him before starting anything.
In fact Lord Shiva is another Teacher to us. If we go by tradition, there are many things to look at.
Adi Shankara is a Traditional Guru besides Veda Vyas, Parasara, Sukadeva etc. There are many
Patasalas, there is one such in Tambaram, conducted very well. It is rather a difficult task to coach
students with meticulous system of recitation for correct pronunciation of Vedic humns and mantras.
Guru has to be a role model with adequate knowledge in Vedas. It may not be possible to have
similar Guru-Sikshya system, these days. Because many brahmins boys are not coming forward to
learn Vedas voluntarily, except a few. Jeevanam becomes the main trump card. In fact, I am finding
difficult to find a girl to my friend's son, who is a Gurukkal in a Siva Temple. The Girl's family is asking
me about the Guarantee of the Income and the future of the boy, though the boy has studied upto
Higher Secondary. A Sikshya has to have certain codes viz. undivided attention, commitment, discipline,
etc. besides devotion to the Guru and over all the main thing is desire to learn. Hindu Dharma is an
ocean and the Brahmin Community boys are not coming forward to learn Vedas as a main source of
income. People may casually talk, that Sastrigals are earning good sum. Because they have done good
amount of hard work, they are able to. All these aspects have to be kept in mind. If I have hurt the
feelings of anyone, I may be excused for quoting the above points.
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