Sidhdham satsamprdhAyE sthira dhiyamanagam shrOthriyam brahma nishtam sathvastam sathya vAcham samaya niyathayA sAdhu vruthyA samEtham dambAsUyAthi muktham jitha vishaya ganam dheerga bandhum dhayAlum skAlithyE cAsithAram sva para hithaparam desikam bhUshnurIpsEth. (Swami Desikan) A good teacher's qualities: 1. He should be a learned person from the lineage of great acharya parampara. 2. He should have clear mind and intellect not wavering. 3. He should have studied the vedas and should have his mind set in the brahman which is the subject of the vedas. 4. He should be sAtvic in nature. 5. He should be a satyavadin. 6. He should be disciplined in tune with the times. 7. He should not be conceited nor should he be envious. 8. He should have control of his indriyas. 9. He should behave as a helping kin. 10.He should be kind hearted. 11.He should be quick to point out deficiencies. 12.He should be mindful of what is good for others and himself. A sishya (student) should choose such an Acharya.