Milching Mammals
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06-09-2012, 04:31 PM
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Apr 2007
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Sri. Biswa, Greetings.
I refer to your mesage in post #28. I am not suggesting Persians were Arabs. All i said was Persian language had great literature too from what Persians say. When Arabs invaded and subjugated Persians, their literature burned.Persians were not 'people of the book'; so, they couldn't get dhimmi status. I am only talking about literature works burned by narrow minded persons. I am not mixing Arab Bedouins with Persians.
As for the Arab language, that link provided by you talks about 'post Islamic situation' in Arabia. There was a pre-Islamic situation too. Arabs did not start talking in poetic Arabic language overnight in the post Islamic Arabia; they were talikng in poetic Arabic before that too. If you read Ahadith, that can be worked out. Kaba was the common temple ground where over 300 deities were kept; deities woeshipped by different tribes of pre-Islamic Arabia. Haj period was the period when all the tribes agreed to put their differences away and congregate at Makkah to spend time in celebrations, socialising and festivities for their respective deities. Songs and poems were abundant.
In The Name Of Allah - Arab History, Pre Islamic Arabia
A History of Muslim Philosophy
I just provided few links to show about Pre-Islamic Arabia.
About the great library of Alexandria - It may be possible it was destroyed few times before completely finished off by Omar. The Burning of the Library of Alexandria
Who destroyed Alexandria Library?, The Milli Gazette, Vol.3 No.23, MG69 (1-15 Dec 02)
The Great Library of Alexandria? Heather Phillips
The important point I like to make is not about who destroyed that library; it had tens of thousands of scrolls from various languages and various lands.
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