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11-18-2011, 07:14 PM
Join Date
Dec 2008
Senior Member
dear Mr. Sangom!
greetings and warm regards.
Surely you MUST be knowing your high reputation.
It is indeed sky high!!!
Just visit the "ranking" and everybody's jaatakam can be found there
Differences of opinions do exist everywhere.
Husbands and wives fight with tooth and claw (like cats and dogs) and curse and scold each other.
Does that mean that they want the other person out of their lives? Certainly NOT.
We can let out the steam and frustration only at home only to our loved ones and not in a public place and definitely not to a stranger.
So it is all in the game! Life is like that!
As for my posts and blogs, I have given up all my other hobbies like singing, playing veena, watching cartoons, animation movies and am spending EVERY minute of my free time in reading/ writing / typing/
I am also a workaholic to say the least.
Some may feel that the quantity does not matter and only the quality matters. To the best of my abilities I try to provide some quality also along with the quantity of the posts.
Thank you for the response.
Hope this thread will pave way for many people to patch up, their differences in opinion as we two have done now.
with warm regards,
Mrs. V.R.
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