Thread: Prescriptions
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:10 PM   #23

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Jun 2006
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Man is destined to die some day...

How does it matter on which day and how!

But Arts are for posterity for sure!

Dear Tmt VR

" Down Down Human life"
" Long live Art Form "

Art form or no art form, let's accept the fact that we lose more lives every year due road / rail / industrial accidents
than to medical goof-ups. We have become so brazen that one hardly takes notice of a few people dead here
or there. Deaths on our roads and railway lines is a daily occurring, so boringly regular that is only a "statistic'.

Add to these dowry deaths, farmer suicides, bride burning, hatred killings, honor killings, abortions,
exam-time suicides, deaths due to road-rage, deaths due to drunken driving and one has a situation when needs
to think whether human life has any value at all!

The death of a Central Minister [ Rajesh Pilot ] in a road accident did not bring-about any noticeable
reform in the way we drive or the way traffic is regulated. One need not go too far out of our country
to see how road rules are followed / enforced.

The deaths of Speaker of Parliament [ Bala Yogi ] and AP CM [YSR ] in helicopter crashes don't seem to have
improved 'air safety' - choppers keeping falling from the sky and aircraft keep popping tires while take-off
or landing, or overshoot the runway altogether i.e., if at all they land at the airstrip assigned !

These are basically because of our [collective] brazenness / callousness and not because of some botched-up
medication / therapy.

I am not sure whether there are any records maintained for deaths due to medical negligence, but
I sure know one thing - it's a long way off before we see a Dr Conrad Murray here.

Art Forms have to be preserved for posterity - this art form, affects our posterity in no way.

Yay Yem
doctorzlo is offline


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