How to conduct blood test for Ayur veda treatments
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05-29-2012, 04:53 AM
Paul Bunyan
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Jul 2007
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How to conduct blood test for Ayur veda treatments
I herewith attached a doc., that opens a new window for research in Ayur Veda.
Ayur Veda Medicines acts in Bile, and change the mineral in bile and I wish our members to consult all the pathology labs if they can undertake the following test for patients with Cancer.
First take specimen bile from healthy persons and analyst the mineral contents, bile acids and bile salts and all tests to be carried out. and record all your findings.followed by all blood tests and skin biopsy.
Secondly do the same kinds of tests with Cancer Patients and record them too.
Now select few combinations of herbals that will counter the inefficiency of the bile minerals, Salts and acids and strengthen the blood cells and give as oral medicine, Create light rays with herbal oils passed through metals that contains herbals.
By applying this technology we can prove that Ayurveda herbals can be applied for curing certain diseases.
Hope you will discuss with your medical officers.
A comparison study between the minerals present in bile and its effects in blood cells that forms different kinds of cancers should be studied and this should be countered with herbals which will change the minerals in bile that will reflect in blood cells and curing diseases or minimizing the sufferings.
The Ayur Veda medicines will not combine with blood directly but it will mix with bile and enter in blood, strengthen and cover them and will cure the diseases.
The text I quoted below is just informative and not complete, and I leave it to the researchers to form a group and ACS Research wing can do many wonders.
Liver and Minerals
The liver uses the mineral chromium and an amino acid, glutathione to create glucose tolerance factor that acts with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Then liver cells remove excess glucose and join glucose molecules together to form glycogen, which is stored for future energy needs.
Tests to be carried out in bile
Presence of Nitrogen, sulphur and Carbon,pH, Chrome and Amino acid content in bile: Presence of Phospholipids, Fatty acids, butanol extract of Bifidobacteria , presence of Prebiotics in bile, glutathione, bilirubin, electrolytes, steroid acids derived from cholestero also to be tested. Presence of copper in bile is to be studied. Inorganic Phosphorus: Zinc,Iron and Sodium are also to be studied
Excess/ deficiency of Copper in bile:
The influence of copper upon human health is due to the fact it is part of enzymes, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in every cell. Copper is involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron. The symptoms of a copper deficiency are similar to iron deficiency anemia. Copper may be absorbed by both the stomach and small intestinal mucosa, with most absorbed by the small intestine. Copper is found in the blood bound to proteins
The Wilson disease comes from black bile that creates mind imbalance excess of iron and copper in bile that penetrates in to the blood, travels to brain and creates cancer.
The above article quotes about Wilson disease, and the doctors used Zn . But my study advises the use of Silver (Ag) for brain and liver tumor may help to reduce the presence of copper in bile. This should be sent the form of NaNo rays, the herbal gross nut should be placed in silver container and light rays are to be sent through the vessel.
I suggest the use of burning holy lamp with Ghee, in Silver lamp, and near that place a container with one lit capacity and fill with herbals and petal leaves of white lotus and water Lilly/ Nymphacastilata. This will reduce the copper in bile.
If we powder the Nymphae Stellata- Tuber and apply as a paste with sandal wood paste will also reduce the copper content in bile.
The effect of copper in excess and deficiency are also to be studied. If the need more copper to bind the bile acids. Excess of copper may effect in precipitation of the acids, loosing in acidity
Magnesium and Calcium:
Magnesium is required for activating such as metabolism, creating energy, hormone functions, cellular membrane stability and the health of the neuromuscular, cardiovascular and immune systems.
Lack of magnesium in the human body can cause many diseases. Since it helps in calcium absorption, its deficiency may result in low level of calcium in blood. This in turn, affects the bones, and can cause osteoporosis. Studies have shown that it may be an important factor causing postmenopausal osteoporosis. It can also result in the reduction of potassium levels in the human body
Magnesium intake may benefit the function of the endothelium, the innermost layer of the blood vessels, and decrease systemic inflammation. Magnesium reduces arterial tone and tension and may increase vasodilation. Magnesium deficiency can cause the walls of the arteries and capillaries to constrict, increasing the pressure the blood needs to pump through the vessels. Deficiency may occur with alcoholism, malnutrition, kidney and gastrointestinal disease, diuretics or excess consumption of salt, sugar and caffeine.
In "Circulation," a 2000 study demonstrated that oral magnesium intervention for six months resulted in significant improvement in brachial artery endothelial function in a population of patients with coronary artery disease.
Calcium helps the clotting of blood and Magnesium distributes the mechanism of clotting. The ratio of Calcium and magnesium is 4:1 in the liver.
Presence of Potassium:
Low levels of potassium leads to secretion of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal glands into the blood. Aldosterone regulates potassium excretion by the kidney to maintain normal levels in your blood between 3.7 to 5.2 milliequivalents per liter, according to MedlinePlus
Inorganic Phosphorus:
Sulfur is a main component in bio chemical structure of Amino Acids. Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration in mammals. Plants, on the other hand, require carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and plants can store sulfur, while man cannot. Man eliminates carbon dioxide, and plants eliminate oxygen.
Sulfur, with an atomic number of 16, is known to bond with almost every other mineral. Sulfur has demonstrated its ability to detoxify heavy metals in conjunction with the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane, thus allowing regeneration. Sulfur is also the key player as a precursor for the utilization of amino acids, the body’s building blocks. Of all of the amino acids, some 70 percent are sulfur-based
Presence of Chrome:
The excess chrome present in bile may result in Cancer. The chrome present in bile from 10 non cancerous / healthy persons and each 10 persons from all kinds of cancer should be studied and closely watched.
Then it should be countered with juices from red lotus and white lotus that will reduce the chrome level in bile.
Bile salts
Strength of duodenum is also to be tested.
bile acids
steroid acids derived from cholesterol; classified as primary, those synthesized in the liver, e.g. cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid, or secondary, those produced from primary bile acids by intestinal bacteria and returned to the liver by enterohepatic circulation, e.g. deoxycholic and lithocholic acid.
bile acid assay
are used in the diagnosis of liver disease and portacaval shunts when there are increased levels in the blood.
bile lake
bile duct obstruction may cause distention and rupture of biliary canaliculi. Small bile lakes result causing focal hepatic necrosis.
bile passages
bile canaliculi drain into bile ductules and interlobular ducts. These unite to form a series of hepatic ducts which carry the bile to the porta where they unite to form the common hepatic duct. This duct receives a cystic duct from the gallbladder (absent in the horse) and thence becomes the
bile duct
bile peritonitis
leakage of bile from the common bile duct or gallbladder may occur as a result of trauma, including perforation during percutaneous needle biopsy of the liver, and (rarely) erosion from biliary calculi. A chemical peritonitis results and may be fatal unless surgical repair is accomplished.
bile pigment
any one of the coloring matters of the bile; they are
, biliverdin, bilifuscin, biliprasin, choleprasin, bilihumin and bilicyanin. See also
bile pleuritis
inflammation of the pleura resulting from perforating thoracic trauma with hepatodiaphragmatic fistula or iatrogenically from percutaneous liver biopsy techniques.
bile reflux
usually refers to movement of bile from the duodenum into the stomach where it may alter the gastric mucosal barrier causing gastritis and ulceration.
bile salts
chenodeoxycholic acid
glycocholic acid
white bile
1. bile containing much mucin.
2. bile trapped in obstructed system for a long period and from which pigments have been resorbed.
bile acid
bile duct
bile duct cancer
bile ducts
bile peritonitis
bile pigment
bile salts
biliary obstruction
cochlear duct
common bile duct
cystic duct
efferent duct
ejaculatory duct
endolymphatic duct
excretory duct
Scanning the Structure of GI Tract Wall
The luminar surface is covered by a single layer of epithelium containing exocrine and endocrine cells. The exocrine cells disintegrate and discharge into the lumen, releasing their enzymes. The epithelia with an underlying layer of connective tissue (lamnia propia) and muscle (muscularis mucosa) are called mucosa. Below the mucosa is a layer of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle called muscularis externa, which provides the forces for moving and mixing the GI contents. The outermost layer of the tube is made up of connective tissue called serosa. The luminar surface of the tube is highly convoluted into projections called villi and microvilli; both of which increase total surface area for absorption. The center of each villus has a single blunt-ended lymphatic vessel called lacteal. Venous drainage from the intestine transports absorbed materials to the liver for processing via the hepatic portal vein.
Interactions of two bile acids (cholic and glycocholic acids) with asparagine have been studied by potentiometry in aqueous solutions under conditions similar to those observed in biological fluids (37 degrees C and I = 0.15 M NaCl), and in the absence and presence of copper (II). To characterize the equilibria for the systems copper (II)/bile acid/asparagine, specifically to assess cooperative binding between bile acids and asparagine, the acidity constant of asparagine and formation constants for copper (II)/bile acid and copper(II)/asparagine were also obtained under the same conditions. The results obtained suggest cooperativity in the binding of bile acid to asparagine in the presence of copper (II).
A potentiometric method was used to study the equilibria in aqueous solution for the systems copper(II)/bile acid salt/peptide [bile acid salt-sodium cholate or glycocholate; and peptide-glutamic acid (glutamate), glutamine or glutamylglutamic acid], specifically to assess cooperative binding between small peptides and bile acids in the presence of copper(II). The results obtained suggest large cooperativity in formation of ternary complexes with amino acids when they are coordinated to copper(II) as bidentate ligands.
A simple radiometric assay for the determination of copper binding by synthetic chelating agents and complex biological fluids has been developed. The assay makes use of the fact that most ionic copper compounds are insoluble at pH 8.0, whereas most copper—chelate compounds resist hydrolysis and remain soluble at this pH. The assay procedure has been described and the linearity, sensitivity and precision of the method determined for EDTA and l-histidine.
Application of the procedure to saliva, gastric juice, duodenal aspirate and bile from normal persons demonstrated in each the presence of copper binding components which form soluble complexes under the alkaline conditions imposed
in vitro
. The problems inherent in quantitation of values from biological fluids are considered, especially in relation to gall bladder bile which bound greater amounts of copper than the other intestinal secretions examined. The values obtained from patients with Wilson's disease were the same as observed in normal subjects, although samples of bile were unavailable for assay. It is proposed that the endogenous ligands in gastrointestinal secretions may be involved in the control of mucosal uptake of dietary copper.
Biochemical Studies on Copper, Copper Oxidase, Magnesium, Sulfur, Calcium and Phosphorus in Cancer of the Larynx, Acta Oto-laryngologica, Informa Healthcare
Biochemical Studies on Copper, Copper Oxidase, Magnesium, Sulfur, Calcium and Phosphorus in Cancer of the Larynx, Acta Oto-laryngologica, Informa Healthcare
Biochemical Studies on Copper, Copper Oxidase, Magnesium, Sulfur, Calcium and Phosphorus in Cancer of the
Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome
Magnesium And Blood Clots | LIVESTRONG.COM
Potassium & Magnesium Levels | LIVESTRONG.COM
The Sulfur Study
Paul Bunyan
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