Sri. Sundarrajan, Greetings. I read this part of the first sentence with interest.."...warns of what is in store for us if we don't wake up". Can you kindly elobarate what you meant by "wake up", please? I am sure you may have some action in your mind for this community to adopt. I am very interested to know, please. Personally, I am intersted in every community. Since this is Tamil Brahmin's forum, my messages are in encouragement for Tamil Brahmin communities development. Personally I don't folow any culture. If someone calls me "cultureless brute!", I wouldn't debate on the word 'culturless', but only on the word 'brute!' ( possibly I may loose that debate too! ). Mostly the persons from lower socio-economic background face identity problems and self-esteem problems. All the persons wish to belong to some community or some group. When the persons from lower socio-economic background gets rejected by rich and affluent persons in their own community, they are forced to find a community in some common grounds; they end up with persons with low self-esteem. One may wonder, such persons from lower socio-economic backgrounds are not ill treated by everyone; that is true, but such persons due to their low self esteem, usually find fault in simple conversations. They not only require upliftment, but also psycho education to boost up their self-esteem. Not an easy task, but can be done. But importantly, the larger community should not extend cold-shoulder treatment towards them. Girls will go where they are pampered. To start with, girls come across about 97 NB boys to every about 3 brahmin boys. Odds are ridiculously stacked against the brahmin boys anyway. I don't know how many brahmin boys take the trouble to pamper girls ( not necessarily brahmin girls). Girls don't really care for politically correct, tradition following boys.... most of them dream of boys with animal instincts. It is up to the parents to educate boys to win girls. Girls want to be won, not to be given on a plate; at the same time they want to win their partner too... so the boys have to worth that. It is not about money). This huge setback to the Brahmin community can be counted as a blessing in disguise. Such setbacks would seperate boys from men. Those boys will be lost on the way; those emerging men can bring a very powerful society. Cheers!