Goodness of Human Nature
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05-12-2012, 11:33 PM
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Jan 2006
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Thanks for sharing this great news article with all of us here, Shri Brahmanyam.
Yes!!! It is absolutely true that "Victorious or defeated, human sentiments are universally the same. Grief pains and happiness pleases without exception."
I am reminded of an incident, that my father shared with us. It is about the shortest 13 days 1971 Indo-Pakistan war, following which, East Pakistan seceded as the Independent State of Bangladesh.
My father was posted in Pathaankot, Punjab Air Base, to keep the Fighter Migs off technical snags. On one night 3 Migs took off from the base along with 1 troops transporting Helicopter towards Punjab Province of Pakistan to carry out air strikes and to droop the army troop on the ground. When this operation was taking place, 2 Migs were hit by Pakistani Tank bombs and both the pilots safely bailed out. 1 Mig escaped the attack and returned to the base. The helicopter as well could only ground few army men and had to return to the base with few other men.
This happened at around 9pm. The two bailed out pilots and the other army men were terribly frightened and were suffering from thirst and hunger too, while wandering here and there to secure themselves. They arrived into a small village, totally exhausted and unmindful of any possible miss treatments by local village folks. Surprisingly, the village people rushed to them, took them to their common place and made them to relax, after inquiring about them and the incident.
These village men and women immediately started preparing lots of Rotis and Dhall and served them. It was around 1am at that time. They offered them lots of Lassi too. They provided safe hide-outs to these army and Air Force men until 5am. They took care of them very well and had very friendly conversation with these Indian defense personals. They shared with them the stories of their life and expressed empathy towards our defense personal's family members.
The pilots and army men were then safely evacuated by Indian Air Force and taken back to the Air Base, at wee hours of the morning.
While leaving the village after overnight safe shelter and kind hospitality, our defense people and the village folks were emotionally moved, hugged each other and got dispersed, sharing best wishes to each other.
"Humans force themselves to kill other humans as worriers BUT are not forced to lose their sense of humanity, at least when the enemy is help less and standing before you as a desperate fellow Human"
. This is what my father shared with us, that was explained to him and his fellow team members, while heading towards the border, to protect Mother India and her people.
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