Where do Ibegin. ObamaAdministration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center
STOPPING THESLIDE Let’s remember that the new president was dealt a dreadful hand onInauguration Day — including a shattered financial system and a nationaleconomy teetering on the brink of disaster. The administration’s chiefaccomplishment to date surely is devising and executing — with huge assistsfrom the Federal Reserve — a comprehensive program to pull us back from theabyss. The stimulus was just one component. ENACTING THE STIMULUS PACKAGE The much-maligned fiscal stimulus has beencriticized from both the left (as too small) and from the right (as too big,especially the spending parts). My own judgment is that both its magnitude andcomposition were reasonable, though not perfect. RESCUING THE BANKS REDUCING FORECLOSURES TRYING FOR REGULATORY REFORM Saving the Auto Industry and all jobs related to Auto Industry. Providing for Health Care, particularly for pre-existing conditions, andchildren over 23 years of age. Ended the war in Iraq Have an exit strategy from Afganistan. And so much more.