Dear Tmt VR "Nattu Vaidhyar" - [Country Doctor !] - sounds a bit crude, would prefer "Practitioner of Native Medicene" - but "Ladies of the Home" were all that way - they always knew [ instinctively or taught ] how to make those delicate adjustments in their recipes to keep the family healthy. If men-folk couldn't notice, it just means that they were insensitive or incapable of appreciating these niceties. vgane - Maya Machindra, [Vikramadityan's brother] because of being termed : "Supreme Wizard" "Yay Yem" - the phonetics or origin immaterial - either way it is "Apaana Vaayu" Now, Nattu Vaidhyar again: - Feeling dizzy? Nausea also ? - CONGRATS ! - raw mango [Pachai Mangai] could give symptomatic relief - this is the mango season. Guruvethunai Yay Yem