Dear sir, I will have to disagree with you here from the point of view of a PIO. I do not think any community will disintegrate even if they live in the North Pole!!LOL Ok let me state my points. A community can only disintegrate if they do not hold on to their views or feel ashamed of it. Only when they try to be what they are not..they end up being lost in some new found land. Many of us PIO are still very much within the requirements of our religion and community and culture. Adopting some new style of living,clothes and trying new food does not mean we are losing ourselves. Have you given this a thought..correct me if I am wrong.Isn't a Pattar(palghat iyer) actually a TB that had settled in Kerala? Didnt they assimilate with the local cultural and food habits? Did they lose anything by doing so? I feel our Hindu ancestors adapted and assimilated much more than anyone of us. Our ancient ancestors had even conquered countries which are outside of present day India and no one loss their identity in that process. We can stay anywhere in this world but our true identity can never change unless we want to change.