After the Mahapralaya..where do we begin again?
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04-27-2012, 07:54 PM
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Mar 2008
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After the Mahapralaya..where do we begin again?
I was just wondering that after each Mahapralaya when the cosmos goes into Dissolution mode then when the next cycle of creation starts..where do we begin?
What I mean we start back from square one as in evolving from single cell unit and evolution cycles start all over again or we just start off where we left off.
Just say Mahapralaya is tomorrow and when next cycle of creation kick starts do we still have our current state of advancement of society or we have to be cave man all over again?
Are we having re runs in our very existence or its a new movie each time with a new sequel?
So is existence a Mega Serial or it is just Re Runs??
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