After the Mahapralaya..where do we begin again?
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05-01-2012, 05:55 AM
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Jan 2006
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I agree with some of the statements that it is hard to draw a direct parallel between the science and the puranas. We can only interpolate and be happy with that. A few points I would like to make:
1. The big bang is not just a "concept", just like the electron is not just a concept. Of course it is a concept, but there is also evidence behind the theory. Likewise, there is evidence for the big bang: it is the cosmic background radiation. Please see
What evidence supports the big bang theory
The big bang was an unproven theory before this radiation was discovered.
2. Regarding varaha avatar, the nearest thing I can think of is how the earth was formed from a cosmic soup of gas and dust. Maybe the solidified Earth was languishing in the bottom of this ocean until Lord Vishnu pulled it out!
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