Kaikeyi..the mother no one revered?
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04-25-2012, 08:03 PM
Join Date
Apr 2006
Senior Member
Dear Renuka,
For her son to live happily the mother had to be greedy and scheming. For a husband to live happily the wife has to be greedy and scheming. If the plans fail she has to bear the brunt of criticism also. Is it a mistake for a mother/wife to be greedy about her son's/husband's prosperity and welfare? So it is still matru Devo bhava for all the trouble a mother takes for her son/daughter. Without women, albeit scheming, strong willed, greedy and doting there would be no thrill living in this world. Life would have been too dull and drab. I will vote for women in any situation. I am one who believe that my daughter when she came into this world made me a father instantly which is a unique feat for a new born. Long live woman hood. Matru Devo bhava.
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