Sowbagyavathy Visalakshi Ramani, Greetings. I am a குடிமகன் in this forum. As blood alcohol level increases, at one point there will be slight giddiness; it is very much equal to the giddiness experienced by persons suffering from 'postural drop' ( drop in BP when standing up). That giddiness lasts only few seconds; For a split second vision in both eyes go off and comeback ( indicating alcohol crosses the blood brain barrier). (Seldom I go that far. But, I have though). After that level, speech gets affected. வார்த்தைகள் குழறும்! ( dancing of words. It is even hard to choose right words). Only after that the whole world dances! At that point குடிமகன் thinks he is 'rock steady' and the whole world is unsteady... this is when he says...பாருங்கப்பா! இவ்ளோ தண்ணி அடிச்ச்சப்புரம் நான் ஸ்டெடியா நிக்கிறேன்!...பாக்கி எல்லோரும் ஆட்ராங்கபா! Cheers!