The other side of periyar
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04-19-2012, 08:43 PM
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Apr 2007
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Dear Moderator,
Reference post #6.
As you know, ours is an open Forum, not just for Tam Brahm membership. As such anyone can post any ideas, as long as there are no personal attacks and abuse. That is why, we do not allow any allegations against our Gurus.
I agree fully with you.
But EVR is different. He was instrumental in our community being what we are today. And one of our member feels that what he said about certain things were forward looking and will help our community. Our community is not such a fragile one, that we can not examine EVR's thoughts again and understand why majority of us still reject his ideas. Just not allowing one to post or to view such ideas as somehow attacks on our community in my opinion, is quite short sighted.
Here I am unable to agree with you. We are not fragile, true and we can examine logical arguments presented against our community in an atmosphere free from hiatus. But verbatim reproduction of EVR's vitriol is something else. EVR was not straight forward. He had a hideous agenda. So why bring all the non-sense and half baked allegations against brahmins that he presented here and hurt the sentiments? Mr. Nara can present his views
what EVR said. He can even say EVR was a perfect jnani. We will dispute it and discuss it. But to bring the nonsense he dished out verbatim here is certainly not civil or decent. You allow Nara to post anything he wants except those which are downright derogatory about the brahmin community. If you do that you are showing indulgence to Nara. This is my point. I am not myopic to demand for shutting down Nara or his likes.
Jews have, what they call as a 'holocaust museum', where all the painful experiences they went through under the Nazi regime are detailed. While even today, it brings pain to that community, they would never think of getting rid of the museum. They want to REMEMBER.
But do you think jews will allow a Nazi party delegation to go freely anywhere into Israel and preach the hatred contained in Mein Kampf against 'Zionism'/jews by freely distributing leaflets containing Hitler's rantings against jews and his views on prostitution and Aryan racial supremacy? We do not want a holocast here and so we would like to forget extremist views and their promoters as quickly as possible. We do not want to remember them nor do we want to remind people about them and keep them alive in the imagination of impressible minds.
Remembrance is the only way we can look at what EVR wrought in daylight and ask our own questions. There was a reason EVR was accepted by a lot of our brothers. We can not just dismiss that by saying that all these DK/DMK guys are idiots. They caught people's attention in TN and Congress is reduced to a bit player
Again please read my earlier para. We would like to forget bitter memories and would like to march on forgiving those who inflicted grievous injuries on our collective existence and values. DMK and Congress are in the domain of politics. I have nothing to say here about them.
While we can all debate over the way EVR is presented, or his methods, one can not deny his personal impact on our community ever since independence or perhaps before it.
When I walk through the street I am hit by a stone thrown by a lunatic. I lose my one eye permanently. Is this the personal impact which you want me to remember for ever, take out every day, relive the pain and trauma every day and keep it in carefully to be taken out the next day again and again and again? I believe we did not need a EVR to bring about any reforms in our community. Time and S&T development can only take that credit fully - nothing else.
Unless we discuss these in a civil manner, like you posted on the EVR thread about 'Karppu' or this thread where his true personality is exposed, most of our youngsters would not know his true side and may fall victim to false propaganda.
I have already said what is civil and what is not has become highly subjective and relative here. I do not want to go further on that for the fear that it will become quite an attrition.
A community that refuses to examine itself on the face of attacks like EVR's will be a very weakened community in the end
I fully agree with you. I am doing just that.
Regarding Moderation, yes, I do that according to the Forum rules. I could have easily removed your words. But I am trying to foster a modicum of some civility among our members here. Thank you.
That is so nice of you. Thank you. Cheers.
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