Dear sir, I agree with what you wrote but I would like to add that the so called Down Trodden of the Hindu society do come with Double Standards themselves. Many a times out here where I stay when Hindu Religious Organization approach them to render similar help like what you mentioned..these organizations are even told off in their faces 'I dont want to follow any new way of prayer..leave me alone with my poor man Kula Devata and why should it bother you that I am suffering..are you my Mama or Machan!!" Believe me sir..this has happened so many times. They are afraid they have to start praying too any new guru or change their Kula Devata even though no one is asking them to do so. But when these same down trodden are approached by the Church..Lo Behold!! they become Born Again Christians and keep praising the church but they never realize there is a poor man church and a rich man church too. They will keep quiet to any form of discrimination faced in their new found religion.