I too am proud of the scientific achievement. Please don't take the following personally, it is just to provoke debate. Why does India have to crave recognition in this way? It seems a little crude to say that my missile is bigger than yours, so you need to respect me. I agree that this level of rhetoric is effective for India's South Asian neighbors aka Pak, Bangla, Lanka etc. However it is unlikely to deter China, which is the biggest bully on the block. Besides, China's leadership is much more sophisticated than our neighboring screamers. They don't make or care about idle threats of war. Missile or no missile, N-bomb or no N-bomb India can't really stand against China militarily. It might be better to change the game, when you can't beat them at theirs. Ever think why China will not really threaten Japan or Germany or Australia? None of these countries have any sort of military of any significance. The next battle of super-powers will not be fought with missiles or bombs.