OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian anti-Islamic fanatic Anders Behring Breivik complained on Wednesday he was being subjected to personal ridicule in court and demanded his killing of 77 people last summer be judged as a battle against immigration. (progressive????). the 33-year-old Breivik told the court, visibly irritated and swivelling a pen in his hand. I think the cause justifies the results. If there is a similarity with anyone in this site it is purely coincidental. http://in.news.yahoo.com/norways-mass-killer-complains-being-ridiculed-112038332.html Dear Sri Prasad Ji, By saying the highlighted words, you are clearly pointing to Professor Nara Ji. Why else you would make the 'coincidental', 'progressive????' and quote a sentence we all know Professor Nara Ji makes? Obviously your intent is to show that Professor Nara Ji is 'equal' to this vile murderer. I do not think, this is very civilized at all and actually I think you lose credibility in the Forum by posting such hateful items. In the past, I would have removed this in a second. I think you must be ashamed of yourself for posting such nonsense. You reported his post here to me, and tell me, is he wrong? Why would you even make this thread, which is of no interest to us, judging from the respomses so far? Do you think, this is a correct behavior on your part? Regards, KRS