South Brahmins are Dravidians - where are we from & why some of us are fair skinned
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04-15-2012, 04:26 PM
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Jan 2008
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Dear Nara,
The fact that the Alexander Greek Soldiers came to South & settled here explains the Greek, European influence on the Dravidian Kingdoms, languages etc... Check with any Coorgi or just do a google search, check with the Archealogy dept of india, you will find 1000s of historical tales, legends that they are descendants of Alexander soldiers.
why will any community make up such stories ?? why are North Indian communities NOT saying they are the Greek descendants, show me one folk tale, legend here??
Megasthenes says he heard a story like Illiad/Troy in the Madurai King's court but a much longer version !! when Megasthenes himself says the stories are similar, how can one claim it is pure fiction.
when Jain texts written 1000s of years back (written in sanskrit
) says, it is a story of 2 south indian dravidian chieftains, who are we to say is it pure fictional. unless you tell me, all these historical texts are humbug??
Ramayana is the winner's version of the war, Troy is the loser verson of the war.
Only in South Dravidian Kingdoms - you have "BOTH THE VERSIONS". Jain & dravidian texts says, Sita "ranaway" with Ravana like Helen went with Paris !!
Obiously in a loser version of the war, Ravana/Indrajit (Agmemnon/Hector) are the Gods !!
If dravidians copied the Troy story, why would reverse the entire story & claim Rama (Agmemnon) as God. Troy story is so piognant, a great noble king & his people were destroyed. Only Ravana's descendants (Kannada King Pulekeshi's descendants) can claim they are Gods !!
South temple inscription says - Nagas gave sanskrit to aryas. Nagas primarily occupied Andhra & they are called Naga princes & princesses. so Vadamozhi poings to Andhra, north of Tamil Nadu.
Australian Aborginals say they come from a mythical Island like the dravidians. Dravidian texts talk about such length on the continent, kingdoms, the cities - "then madurai" etc.. No reason to disbelieve. & when we say continent, nobody is saying it is as large as Australia, it is a strip of land/ a num of islands connecting South India to Australia.
when Greek's settled in south india, they conquered all of Karnataka, Andhra & Kerala, some parts of Tamil Nadi & thus came the mixed race. Hence Rama is Dark, Lakshmana, Ravana are white. Valmiki Ramayana mentions that Ravana is White, Hanuman describes Ravana when he goes to Lanka prior to the war.
if Sanskrit is Aryan, why is it spoken in "dravidian tonque", pl research, you have many many western researchers saying it is dravidian.
also if all of you accept Aryan Invasion theory is debunked, what is the explanation for Sanskrit Origin ?
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