South Brahmins are Dravidians - where are we from & why some of us are fair skinned
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04-17-2012, 04:47 PM
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Jul 2006
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Hi Nara,
My inputs:
1. when there is a inscription that says - Nagas gave sanskrit, clear historical evidence, you say it is obscure. but you say Vadamozhi is clinching evidence !!
Ancient African Kings Of India – By Dr. Clyde Winters – Rasta Livewire
The major gift of the Naga to India was the writing system: Nagari. Nagari is the name for the Sanskrit script.
so I am not the only one saying it is the Nagas who gave them.
2. Just because the people in Nagapattinam dont speak Sanskrit, doesnt mean anything. By the way, the major Naga settlement is Kerala (Pathala) & you know sanskrit is well preserved here probably even better than Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Andhra. !! & then Andhra is another major Naga settlement & Andra Princes are called Naga princes right through history & reflected in all ancient texts.
3. I cannot understand, how you keep repeating "Vadamozhi" to North India, ???. Our Dravidian kings were small cheiftans & were on horses. do you think they used to go & travel 1 to 2 yrs on foot to go to Ganga for bathing - LOL instead of the life source - Ganga Cauvery !! By the time they come back, they will have to go back to bath again !! - LOL
I mean you are willing to give more credence to a collogiual word - "Vadamozhi" than a sanskrit inscription on a temple 18 centuries back !!! - wow !
Sorry to say, you asked for all possible evidence to prove God's existence, but you are willing to go by "Vadamozhi" & according to you it is North India & acccording to me it is North of Tamil Nadu - Andhra, North Karnataka
4. where is the "historical or archealogical evidence:" to date, Homer, or His illiad writing, or Valmiki or his writing ????? - None of the researchers offer any confirmation, they only sasy, possibly they could be from this time.!!
you talk with such confidence that this must have happened before Valmiki's mom & dad were born, can you please show some, or any evidence or any ancient text that says he was born at this time - I will simply rest my case !!
5. AIT was "invented" by our good friend Nehru & his cohorts. Actually there is NO western researcher who has written this rediculous theory about Aryan Invaion, they come with no religion, adopt our dravidian gods etc...
6. In this Nehru's conspiracy, he had to show that south brahmins are North Indians, hence Aryans to prove his theory. Because there was NO sanskrit being spoken or chanted in any of the temples in north. even the inscriptions are in Hindi . I am an Aiyer, have not heard of such translation from Aryan to Aiyer, my family is filled with Sanskrit Scholars !! - Again where is the evidence. Is there a linguist who says Aiyer is a derivative word of Aryan ? and even if true, by all accounts, devas, aryas, nagas, rakshasas, asuras, etc.. are all dravidian tribes, & the Vedas, Puranans, Ramayana & Mahabarata are stories of these tribes.
7. Unfortunately genuine historians dont exist !!. In a communist/socialist country where Govt runs everything, they will only peddle the Nehru theory. you saw how the Ramanujam theory was discredited.!!
Pl show me any factual or historical or achealogical inconsistency in what I have said.
The story about Alexander, his general giving his daughter in marrraige to Chandragupta Maurya is documented in all texts. Coorgis claiming that are descendants of Alexander soldiers is written all over, no community will make up such stories. So by all accounts, Alexander's soldiers settle in Dravidian land setting the stage for the historic war.
Homer and Valmiki both wrote what they saw as their country men story !!
for Valmiki - Rama, Lashmana, Sugriva, Ravana, Indra are dravidians which is correct because they all lived in south india. for Homer, Lakshmana, Sugriva & Indra & Rama all gang up together & destroy a great empire - Troy/Priam/Ravana because they are white & some Greek, some trojans etc..!!
Just because this is a "new & surprising to hear" does NOT make it "untrue" !!
In which ever way you look at this, story will hold !! Completely based on historical evidences, archealogical finds, one to one correlation to Ramayana & Troy & the legends/local tales !!
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