Why do Good People Suffer?
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08-05-2012, 06:11 AM
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Jun 2006
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Real suffering is when we lose our goodness. Compromising with goodness is the greatest suffering. Even though superficially it may appear that evil doers are flourishing, it should not be an excuse to compromise. The problem arises when one does not have an ideal or when one is not able to live up to one’s ideal. But the greatest problem is when one believes that the ideal is not worth living up to and has lost its utility. Remember, a good man will stand by his convictions, because “If you do not stand for something, you will fall for everything. I like that quotation. There are times otherwise good people loose their plot. It takes a long time time to built up goodness in a person. It takes only few instances to lose the balance. If ego takes over, everything gets lost. Then a good person becomes not so good anymore. I have seen that too many times. Loosing the goodness is the biggest suffering for a person to go through. Sometimes in life we learn lessons from situations out of the blue. I put them down to a burst of unguided energy. Almost everyone stands for their ideals. Such ideals differ from person to person, depending upon their exposure in life and exposure to knowledge.
A nice topic. My belief is, good persons never suffer that includes pain and suffering from any illness. Not so good deeds take place when a good person becomes not so good due to internal and/or external factors. When two persons are involved in such a scenario, it becomes loose/loose situation for both persons. Analysing thesituation closely becomes necessasary.
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