Chinese home first aid for stroke
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07-14-2012, 11:39 AM
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Jul 2006
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One swallow does not a summer make!
Ask him, if you have access to him, if he says all strokes are caused by Afib. If he says "yes" I will present him with epidemiological evidence to the contrary.
The medical community is always up in arms with any preventive approaches (because it robs them of their clientele) and if a practice will kill the prescription business then they are certainly against it. My own PCP was defending Avandia when I pointed out its ill effects. I fired him soon after. Now it is well known that avandia is biting dust.
For a long time they were content with coumadin (warfarin is the trademarked proprietary drug which lost its patent long ago) as a prophylactic drug for preventing stroke. Now the drug companies are coming up with newer generation drugs (like
and its cousins) to interfere with the clotting mechanistic process (to boost their revenue) with the blessings of the medical community. The reason they want to do away with coumadin is that it is a cheap but very effective drug like aspirin. They can't make money on it.
As I said elsewhere they were opposed to the mechanism proposed by Australian scientists 30 years ago when they suggested that GERD/stomach ulcer is due to infection by Helicobacter pylori. It was shown and accepted later that it was really the case and could be treated with cheap antibiotics rather than expensive proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium and its cousins. Still this expensive habit goes on. The PPI just relieves the symptoms but does not treat the disease.
I am not saying to do away with doctors. We need them for essential services and the surgeons for life-saving techniques. What I am against is their dogma. Many dogmas do not survive the test of time. Not all doctors are party to this, I might add. I have an MD daughter who breaks barriers.
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