Plight of elderly Indian immigrants
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06-29-2012, 09:23 PM
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Mar 2007
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Recently an elderly neighbour went to meet his daughter in New Jersey...As both his daughter & son in law would be out for work I asked him how did he spend his time..
Surprised to know that he is picked up daily at 6AM to a nearby elderly care center, where he is made to do some excercises & spends time chatting with the elders, read news paper, watch TV , have his grub and return in the afternoon..I asked him the charge for this facility...He said to my astonishment that it was free...So I wondered that it should be paradise for the elderly...
I do understand healthcare costs are huge...There is a close friend of mine who is a green card holder and resides in SFO...He had brought his mother to States almost 20 years back...She gets an old age pension which is significant...She was cheerful, happy, visits India atleast once in 2 years..I understood the benefit of getting the green card especially for the elderly
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