India’s Progress
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07-06-2012, 02:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sri. Prasad, Greetings.
I refer to your OP. Before addressing that OP, I should say, I will not be considered as a Tamil Brahmin by anyone. But still I like to address them to the best of my ability, please.
1. TB are generally very negative about TN, India, and Indians in general. I have negative views about Tamil Nadu. That was the land where, after scoring 78% marks in school fiinals, I had to run from pillar to post just to beg an admission for my higher studies; all because, the word 'brahmin' was written against the caste column for me. Even today I vividly remember it; I was standing facing a huge palm tree- I didn't hear any noise around me- all I knew at that time was as a brahmin, my marks were not good enough. BS! India does not treat her population equitably. Given an opportunity, I will not like my children to grow up there.
2. They whine but do nothing to improve the situation, or their outlook. Brahmins left Tamil Nadu in droves. It was/is kind of an exodus. They don't have the political muscle by numbers to force any changes; so, why put up with any nonsense? just pack up and leave! Most DK parties love that too; I heard in somany public meetings those politicians and 'leaders' urging brahmins to leave while the others watching and applauding them! So, brahmins are only bent upon improving the situation. Yes, they are working for their self-interest; I don't see any thing wrong with that.
3. They wring their hand and post anonymously on the internet sites. Like I said before, TBS don't have the numbers to be outspoken. If they speak their mind in a public meeting and gets beaten for that, are you going to go there and fight for them? Even anonymous opinion garner reactions; I have seen them in the past.
4. They expect "God" to do all things, and hand then the prasad (that they desire). Actually, most brahmins don't do this. They may be as devoted as any other person towards their personal God; but, they usually work their butt off when they are young.. but as they see they are pushed back only in the name of caste, naturally they get disillusioned and get depressed. It is quite common for a deppressed and disillusioned person to expect 'God' to show some mercy. What is wrong in that?
5. They expect that government will be super efficient, and corruption-less. It is an obligation for any and every Government to be efficient and corruption free. I expect that from my local/state and federal government.
6. They want to live in past (the golden days), and despise all changes talking place around them. That is the feeling all over the world. I could start a conversation with Joe Blog down my street, he would exactly say the same thing. It doesn't have to be a TB.
You listed those points as if India is an equitable country and TBs are unreasonable. I object to that. Indian caste based politics stinks sky high; Indian reservation system screwing up the brahmin's chances are stinking sky high. Such reservation systems are even worst in TN. In an unequitable system, the affected party will be disillusioned and depressed. I think, TBs earned their right to hate TN politis, Indian politis and India in general. Inspite of getting screwed, TBs contribute to the development of the country.
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