In MHO, instead of buying out the churches, Swaminarayan sects should have renovated the churches and turned them over to local community. In case the local community has thinned out from there, it could have still been maintained by the well-to-do. Thankfully, they have retained the images/pictures of Christ. I appreciate the people who brought up temples in foreign lands. The learned people must have carried the concept of formless and omnipresent god there which is the core in Hinduism. The temples and their maintainance, etc. show the tinge of vanity in our thinking. We have many temples uncared for here. If not today tomorrow the precincts may become objects of hate and vandalism. In these things vertical growth is preferable. I hope some people can remember the Babri Majid episode which is still holding fire. Every community has wrought havoc on Hindu temples and other sacred precincts here. Will it not be a good proposition if we do not allow others to accuse us. One way we are snapping our moorings here and at the same time marooning our people away somewhere.