The Antiquity of the Tamil - Chera. Chola and Paandiyan kingdoms of Southern India
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06-29-2012, 04:22 PM
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May 2008
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M/s Sivamaalaa
The Languages that were used in the realms of the Mauriyas, Gupta, and Sathavaahanaas are as follows:
(1) Mauriya - Prakrit, Sanskrit, Paali, Greek & Aramic
Arathasastra a treatise on political administration used by the Mauriyas was in Sanskrit.
With the presense of Jainism during the period of early Mauriya kings too Prakrit & Sanskrit flourished.
With the coming of Buddhism to Mauriya Empire Paali too was well known.
With their association with the Greeks and Westerners (after Alexander the great's invasion of North-West India) of
the contemporary period Greek & Aramic too were known.
The Asokan Inscriptions were in Prakrit, Pali, Greek & Aramic
(2) Gupta - Sanskrit
Sanskrit flourished in a big way during the period of Gupta dynasty.
Most of the Sanskrit Puraanas we have today were composed during the period of Guptas. Many of them also list the geneology of the Mauriya kings - further confirming the period of these Puraanas as after the end of the Mauriya dynasty. Vedism, and Saivaism & Vaishnavaism "
as developed in North India
" flourished during the Gupta period. It is after this period the Pallava kings brought in the religious practices as prevailed in the Gupta kingdom to Tamil Nadu. Even the Sanskrit Puraanas that were composed during the Gupta period were introduced and made known to Tamil Nadu only during the period rule of Pallavas.
(3) Sathavaahana - Prakrit, Sanskrit, Telungu
During the period of Sathavaahanaas the Prakrit and Sanskrit were used. It is also interesting to note one of the
Sathavahana king namly Sathakarni - (Nootruvar Kannar as per Silappathikaaram) had legend in Tamil on
the reverse side of his coin. Sathavaahanaas are not mentioned in any historical documents as "Andhras or as those who professed the Telungu language". However as they captured and ruled most part of the Andhra region of that period, they would have also known and spoken Telungu.
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