Tenkalai Taniyan (Prelimminary Invocation) Srisailesa dayapatram dhIibhaktyadi gunarnavam yatindra pravanam vande ramya jamataram munim. I pay my obeisance to sage Manavalamamuni who is an ocean of virtues such as intelligence and devotion and who received the mercy of his guru Sri Sailesa and is so attached to Ramanuja. http://www.srivaishnava.org/sva/mmmu....jpg[/img] (Tradition has it that this prayer was submitted at the feet of Manavala Mamuni Swami by Lord Ranganatha; after Manavala mamuni completed his 1 year tiruvoimozhi kalakshepam at Sri Rangam. During the sattumurai, Perumal appeared as a 5 year old and recited this prayer in praise of his guru Manavalamamuni).