Veerapandiya Kattabomman!
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01-19-2006, 10:43 PM
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Apr 2006
Senior Member
May be you are the rare minority who would have had a good life during the nayaka rule espsecially katta bommu naiker.
But come to think of the people who are majority, unarmed and harmless peasants, who suffered under the tyrannic rule of that coward. Nothing has been written about them and nothing is known to the people whose news source is again from the brahmins who hate the locals wherever coexist with them out of fear for their numbers. These people helped many intruders to establish themselves aand always opened the gate for enemy stayed close to power centre.
They who wrote history of which none of the sons of this soil could find a place and wise educated people who follow them always forget that tamil nadu is all for tamils and whatever goodness you see today in tamil nadu is all from tamis. and last do not hail fake heroes and insult the true tamil spirit.
Mr Manoj's version true, is even in the syllabus of manonmaniyam sunderanar univ. has the same kind of mention of katta bommu.
Finally this is not to hurt anybody who worship the great hero, but practice it at home in your pooja room.
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