Charting Our Health By The Stars?
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01-27-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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The infant "modern science" is just starting to learn that astrology is not a supersitious fact but there is science behind it.
Unfortunately in India this astrology , which is a perfect and beautiful science has been totally misunderstood and lost the very purpose of it. As I have written in the other post, that astrological chart is like a progress card of a student of his previous performance and how that would determine his current life. This does not mean that he cannot change anything in life. He has to use his intellect and make correct choices in life (mathi) to steer his fate (vidhi). He cannot overcome most of the effects of the causes , but has the freedom to exercise choice in his life to make it better and reach the destination.
I see most of the people take astrology as a pretext to blame their wrong actions instead of self correcting. I see this in medical field where they blame it one "genes" for the diseases instead of self correcting their wrong life stlyes.
Astrology is not to make one self weak, like a progres card meant to make a student feel bad. It is just for the student to correct his actions and change his future.
Without understanding the truth of this great vedic science, we have fallen to the hands of some money minded astrologers. Again the fault is our's because our thought process is not in correcting our errors but make short cuts to overcome the results of our bad actions.
We are wasting time and energy to pinpoint other's mistakes and make unhealthy wasty criticisms instead of self correcting ourselves and making ourselves and others life peaceful.
Through this astrological understanding we have to understand we had a past life and current and may be a future life based on our desires, thoughts and action.
The planets and their periods represent not just the external planets but our inner nature. the nine planets and 12 periods, 27 nakshatras represents the various aspect of the body, mind and intellect and our pursuits in life. Without this understanding astrology would look meaningless and pessimistic.
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