why do we chant mantras?
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10-28-2006, 04:42 AM
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Mar 2007
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How is the inner light all three things at the same time: perciever, perceiving, and perceived? Note: I use this symbol (?) when i dont have an exact word to represent it.
Everything is Consciousness, which means the created creation and creator is Consciousness (Inner light, Brahman, God, Soonya etc).
We left the discussion earlier about perception. when we look at a flower, the eyes look at the flower, but does really the eyes look at the flower. It is the mind that looks at the flower. (A dead body's may have eye lid open, but we do not say the eye looks at the flower ).
So there is something more subtle that looks at the flower, than the matter (body- here it is eye). We call it as mind. Mind is nothing but thoughts. The mind (manas) has various thoughts. These thoughts can be taken into consideration or rejected. So there is still subtler aspect than the mind. That we call as intellect or Buddhi. Buddhi is that which can discriminate thoughts and can consider it or reject it.
This intellect grows out of experience and the one that is aware of the changes of this intellect, is still more subtler and is called is called awareness or "Chit". But this awareness is conditional which means , it is expressed based on the "body" vehicle it assumes.
Nonetheless, there is the subtlest unconditional awareness which is the fundamental of all the above body, mind, intellect and awareness. This is called as Consciousness. So the body, mind, intellect and awareness when operate we call it as life. When awareness drops, we say it is dead, no life. Awareness"Shiva" then becomes "Shava".
To know all the aspects of body, mind, lntellect, awareness we have to tranncend from the gross body to subtle mind to subtlier intellect and to the subtlest awareness and finally to Consciousness. The irony is that all these are only Consciousness, but because of our ignorance we do not know this.
Awareness does not change in respect to an individual. When I look at a flower I say I am aware of a flower. When I look at a cell phone i say i am aware of cell phone. When i look at a car I say I am aware of a car. Now flower, cell phone, car are thoughts in me which i am aware of. The thoughts are changing , but the fact that I am aware of is not changing. Awareness is not changing, only things that I am aware of is only changing. Hope you are clear with this.
To be "aware of" I, dont need anything else. Even without things or thoughts or objects, I am still "Aware". Right?. So my real nature is only "Awareness'". But this awareness can identify (?) other gross forms of awareness, like intellect (higher grossness), mind (more grossier) , body (matter) (grossiest).
Now let us go to the science (knowledge) of perception.
so the grossiest matter (eye) does not perceive another grossiest matter (flower) for that matter even another awareful human being. It is the less grossiest mind that actually looking at the flower. For the mind to look at a flower it needs eyes. So eyes are only the medium. If the mind is not there then there is no sight of the flower. The light signals from the eyes touch the retinal and excites electrical signals which the brain interprets as a flower. Here the eyes are made of molecules and the interaction of molecules with the light causes biochemical reactions which are passed to the brain. Brain is also made of molecules which does biochemical reactions , when the electrical signals reach them. So there is only plays of biochemicals. When eyes confronts a flower, then what is that sees a flower. If light of flower falls on the eyes , then what is that is seen? where is awareness of a flower come into being?
Then what is perception?. Perception is awareness meeting (?) awareness. Here is what we have to be clear. Flower is Consciousness, eyes are Consciousness, brain is consciousness. Perception is only consciousness interacting (?) with Consciouness.
what is then awareness?. Awareness is that conditioned Consciousness perceiving a conditioned consciousness in the form of flower. But when I say "I" am looking at a flower , then it is Ego.
What is Ego?. When I say I am different from flower and I am a human. The duality not recognizing "Onenesss - Consciousness" is Ego.
So Consciousness appear as flower, appear as human and there is perception. So it is the Consciousness (light) is the one that is the perceiver, perceiving, and the perceived. But it is the Ego that says "I" perceived , not aware of the Consciousness. Why it has no awareness of Cosnciousness. because it identifies with matter (body). What is the ego, it is a self created false identity to gross matter and not the subtle aspect. Who created it and how does it go?. That is the story of Evolution. The details of these are found in all vedic texts like upanishads, Tirumandiram, in other saivate, viashnavite, sakthi texts.
Many modern Neurologits (like Dennett for example) miss the whole understanding because they think Consciousness is generated or located in the brain. It is awareness that is generated by the neuronal firing. The difference of life and death is only the difference of Awareness and Cosnciousness. Consicousness is not localised , it is everything, the living and dead. it is unchanging. It is the awareness that changes based on the interaction fo biomolecules.
This can be understood by the famous example of Adi-sankara , stepping on the rope and projecting as snake. What that means is that all these perceptions we experience is not real (which means changing) and the only reality is the Consciousness. Which means that the rope is the fundamental reality , but it is projected as snake (unreal) due to ignorance.
Summary: The whole thing is only Consciousness, but because of Ego (identification to gross ignoring the subtle) is the fundamental flaw. The Ego has to transcend from the gross (body) to the sublte mind and again to the subtlest, intllect and again to the more subtlest intellect adn further down to awareness and fianlly cosnciousness.
if you look at evolution this is the sequence. The lower animals are only aware of their body. The higher evoled transcend to the mind state showing emotions. But man is the one who can go still to the subtlest of the intellect. More evolved humans then transcend to the still subtler "Awareness", aware of awareness.
This is the concept of all rituals (to the body), then comes bhajans sings and chanting for the mind, then reading scriptures for the intellect and then meditation for awareness and samadhi is transcending to the Consciousness, the ultimate reality.
Be aware of one fact, with this human body are we identifying with our body, or mind or intellect or the awareness. Every human should do this self introspection and evolve to God-hood which means to Consciousness.
SRS, hope I have answered your question how it is the same Consciousness that is the creator, creation and the created. From the subtlest to the gross it is only the Cosnciousness. Then it is the subtle that idnetifies the same subtlest in everything. Then isnt "all three things at the same time: perciever, perceiving, and perceived" is the inner light or Consciousness.
Please read the above posting and at any step it is not clear we can discuss that.
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