Joint family concept .....where is it now ??
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04-28-2006, 02:17 AM
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Mar 2008
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Dear friends
There are two reasons (one following the other) why our traditional joint family system broke to nuclear. The concept of accrueing wealth for children is the first step in breaking jointfamily system. Instead of having a common wealth among brother's children, when the concept of "My" children comes into picture,leads to disintegration of the family system. From this "my"comes the concept of my independence, my likes and dislikes. This is the second reason for this joint family systemdown fall. Our tradition always gave less importance to the individuality,but more for the common welfare. When the individual importance is given there isnoquestion about joint family. If we cannot adjust and live amongfamily memebers then where is the question of universal brotherhood?
Our concept of family was the joint family include grandparents, brothers family and children. Now family means wife husband and children. Everyone else is excluded.
In the west the importance of individuality is given so much importance that even the family system of husbnad wife and children is demolished.
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