Kumari Kandam existed really !! Listen my theory. In a very ancient time, a continent in South of India , connected from East-Africa to Australia had existed ! If you analyse the ground in Australia, East-Africa, South India and Sri lanka, it will reveal that it is composed with the same minerals in equals quantities, it's so the same ground !!! It's another proof that there existed a continent which joined Africa to Australia. And so it too can explain why East Africans , South Indians and aborigines of Autralia have very close DNA !!! I think at the start they existed only one family, but with the rise of the ocean's level, this family began to be separate and so the differenciation began... FSG, Aryans are dravidians, and dravidians are aryans.... So there is no need of this stupid division. Another fact, Nordic languages like Celtic have a very close relation with the 'Dravidian' languages...... How is possible ??? My theory is that after the flood that touched Kumari Kandam, many conquered the Europe between -12'000 to -10000 B.C... And so in fact Europeans are in reality South Indians... There is less difference between the form of the face of a south Indian and an European than between by example a Chinese and an European or an African and an European... In fact, South Indians 'dark' color is due uniquey to the climate. But if these Indians go in the North, in few generations they will come more 'white', it's certain and provable. Look how many Tamil children in Europe or USA are more 'white' than their parents. The color is uniquely due to the climate. European's root can be in Kumari Kandam after my long reflexion... http://www.datanumeric.com/dravidian/index.html Visit this web site please.