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04-09-2006, 04:40 AM
Big A
Join Date
Oct 2005
Somebody please tell why is this difference in the cultural traits of north and south indians
i) Wheat is the staple food in north like that of europe while rice is the staple food in south
ii)the concept of cheese is non existant in south even today, in the north cheese (panneer or its derivatives) is a part of the regular diet just like the europeans
iii)Baking is totally absent in the southern cuisine, it is the most widely used in the northeren cuisine (Naan, Roti) like the bread of the europeans.
iv) Northern musical instruments are strikingly different from their Southern counterparts. For instance the southern percussion instrument miruthangam has the leather on the sides while the northern table has the leather on the top more like the western drums.
v)Northen languages are spoken more from inside the mouth and less tongue twisting, more like the european languages, whereas the southern languages emphasize more on the tongue twisting.
vi)Another noticible difference is the speed with which the language is spoken, north Indian language speakers talk relatively very slowly like the europeans, while the southerners talk very fast more like the africans. Just listen to a northerener and southerner talking in English.
vii)Among the non veg people, fish is very common in southern diet while it is very much not a part of northern plate, with the exception of Bengalis.
hey the list can on and on
Big A
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