Vedic Past of Pre-Islamic Arabia
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01-08-2006, 10:29 PM
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Nov 2008
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The Vedic Civilisation had spread from Kanyakumari to Egypt and later Avestha split, and due to the Tamming of Camels in 1200BCE, local Tribe over powered soft Indians and Indians were to settle in India.
The khandara of Mahabaratha is in Afganistan i.e., Kandahar etc., stands proof of the same.
Bible, including Torah is Polytheistic, and worships not the God, but a small diety called yhwh- pronounced as Jehovah, and Bible calls them as God of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob. And Biblical Scholars say its a Syncretism of various god worshippers.
Many portions of Torah are Anti-God thesis, including famous Babel story, where Lord became envy of Man's unity and split them, The Cosmic Flood talked in Novah's period, as per Bible Chronologies can be dated to around BCE2100 to 2200 and Science and also standing Mud Mummies in Egypt confirms the Hallowness of this myth. Quiet a lot of Hebrew words can be traced to Sanskrit and a few to Tamil.
Mala Tells
//According to Gilbert Slater, Rig Veda condemned Linga worship which is an integral part of the Saivam. He says that Siva and Vishnu pre-existed Rig Veda…..
See also "pazan-thamizk koLkaiyE saivasamayam" & "thamizar matham" by Maraimalai Adigal and the references given by him in his books need to be refuted if a contrary view is to be taken.//
I sincerely regret fsg position, It has been explained in the Saivam Thread- that Book tells that Saiva Tamil and Vedic Rudra are same, and also the way MaraimalaiAdigal wrote the book referred above. I QUOTE from MM.Adigal-"thamizar matham" Page number -¸¹Õ i.e.,135.Here he says, close to 2nd Century A.D.,those worshipped SIVA (appan) Pridominantly AND those Who worshipped Umai or Parvathi (ammai) Predominantly got separated and I now quote tamil in full:
þùÅ¢Õ §ÅÚ ÌØÅ¢Éâø «ôÀ¨É Ží̧š÷, «õ¨Á¨Â Ží̧š¨ÃÔõ, «õ¨Á¨Â Ží̧š÷ «ôÀ¨É Ží̧š¨ÃÔõ þÆ¢òÐô §Àº¢ì ¸Ä¡õ Å¢¨Çì¸Ä¡Â¢É÷. þ즸¡û¨¸ô §À¡Ã¢ø þÕ ÌØÅ¢ÉÕõ ¦ÀñÀ¢ÈÅ¢¨Âì ̨ÈÅ¡¸ì ¸Õ¾×õ §Àº×ó ÐÅí¸§Å, «õ¨Á¨Â Å½í¸¢Â ÌØšâø ´Õ ¦ÀÕõ À̾¢Â¡÷ ¸¼×¨Çô ¦ÀñÅÊÅ¢ø ¨ÅòÐÅÆ¢À¡Î Òâ¾ø ¾ÁìÌ þÆ¢¦ÅÉì ¸Õ¾¢ «õ¨ÁÔõ «ôÀɡ츢 «ÅüÌ Á¡§Â¡ý, ¾¢ÕÁ¡ø ±ýÛõ ¦ÀÂ÷¸¨Çô Ò¨ÉóРŢ¼Ä¡Â¢É÷.
ivviru veeRu kuzuvinaril appanai vaNangkuvoor, ammaiyai vaNangkuvooraiyum, ammaiyai vaNangkuvoor appanai vaNangkuvooraiyum iziththup peesik kalaam viLaikkalaayinar. ikkoLkaip pooril iru kuzuvinarum peNpiRaviyaik kuRaivaakak karuthavum peesavu-n thuvangkavee, ammaiyai vaNangkiya kuzuvaaril oru perum pakuthiyaar kadavuLaip peNvadivil vaiththuvazipaadu purithal thamakku izivenak karuthi ammaiyum appanaakki avarkU maayoon, thirumaal ennum peyarkaLaip punainththu vidalaayinar page-134,135
Friends,- THolkappiyam dated to Ist Cen. BCE, Does not have the name Siva, Sangam Lit dated to 200BCE to 200CE does not have Siva- the noun; Thirukural written immediately after Sangam does not have Siva. Where as Tholkappiyam and all has Maayoon- Is the writing of This M.M.Adigal who being Saivite- writing such a meaningless thesis; without any Scriptural support, is of No trust worthy. New Words come from development of accepting other languages or developing of New words. But absence proves its non-use earlier.
He lived in 20th cen. first half; but to quote him now is meaningless. Again Slater’s writings have been well thoroughly out of date and it is Absolute clear All Indians are from Africa and nothing Otherwise as per DNA researches. Gilbert Slater like many other Famous Indologists was clear -DRAVIDIAN Language speakers are not Habitants of India- but only Settlers. Linguistically- Bishop Caldwell, Burrows; A.L.Basham etc., all maintain Proto Dravdian Speakers are not Natives of India. Other than Adichanallur no proper Settlements of humanity and civilization in South has come out. Aadichanallur is yet to be carbon-14 ddted properly.
No use in Backdating 3nd CenBCE inscription of Brami,with few pictograms got in Srilanka-by Professor Indrapala of Jaffna University and purposely misdating it to 1600BCE, and reading it as he wants was done by Dr.Mathiwanan, and his method of Forgery of Indus Script Deciphering can be viewed in the Official website of Harvard University discussed in 2003 meeting Convention.
Translators of Veda did quiet a lot of mistranslations, both due to lack of Knowledge of SANSkrit and Purposfully, and Dayananda Saraswathi protested immediately and Maxmuller has to be later more careful and in his last books he wrote that Translation of Vedas properly is for the Next Cen. Work, and Even Harvard University says the same thing today also. So quoting Authors like Maraimalai Adigal etc., or the Deciphering Forgeries of Indus really do not help. Maraimalai Adigal book saying Vedas- quotes are in Sangam siva reference is already given in Saivam Thread.
Indian Ideas belongs to Indians-there is no Aryan or Dravidian; Tamil and Sanskrit are the Surviving Oldest languages. Sanskrit has Vedas from 2000BCE as per concluded datings by Unbiased International Universities, and Tamil Lit, of Sangam is Concluded to 20o BCE TO 200ce BY AGAIN Unbiased International Universities; NOW not accepting all this and Arguing with authors of doubtful reputation does not help.
If you want I can quote MM.Adigal from the very same book where many times he says His caste is superior to other Tamils etc., I think let us leave this unacceptable Highly Biased works. He contradicts himself on several points several times within this one book.
Tholkappiyam author’s real name was ThiranaThumagni- a Brahmin from the Tribe of Parasuramar (Jamathagni was his father’s name); as per Irayanar Agapporulurai. Tholkappiyam and Sangam Lit. and Thirukural refers Vedas at many places and regards Very Highly.
Most of the Indologists worked on thinking that Veda Authors with such a high level of thinking and knowledge by 2000BCE or earlier cannot be of Indian Origin- brought highly dropped Aryan Invasion (or incoming) myths. Linguistics was hypothesis speculations- every body can say anything; No Archeology or DNA has proved such. Linguists now say Dravidians as Vantherigal, which is not to suit our likings.
Each Biased author tells that so many tamil words are in Rig veda; it is better we stop with Professor Dr.Burrows; who said only 20 Words, and he is more Reputed than others.
Bible dating is much later than Vedas, even Torah can only be 250 - 300 BCE only and it has burrowed many from Vedas or Avesta to be more proper, and if Friends are interested I Can quote a lot of Bible Researchers shortly.
Please see Vedas and Sangam Lit. in one view, and read them as Works of that Period, Calling Manu as Dravidian, and Manusmrithis’s laws of those times as INTERpolation is meaningless. Tholkappiyam and Sangam Lit. talks good of SAthi, Widows being burnt in Husband’s Buiral, which has no Support in Vedas or Manusmrithi, I can quote Slater on Casteism is from Dravidians and not from Vedas also. Please stop quoting selectively, few sentence to your liking.
Friends, Let us all be united, and not be disturbed by meaningless speculations.
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