Jyothisham - The Scientific Calculation
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04-26-2006, 04:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hi Srivatsan, I have read all the books that you refered. The point is even God cannot escape his/her karmic deeds(as clearly mentioned in gita), there might be some apparent temporary reprive in the reactions for ones actions , but it is mostly like getting a lower monthly payment by moving from a 15 year to a 40 year mortgage, you are just spreading out your misery by diluting the intensity, you do it which ever way the karmic account has to balance, one cannot escape from it. If Karmic laws are true it precludes prognosis. You are talking about Gods grace, it is very similar to what our saints said, if they bless you whole heartedly they can transfer some bad karma from you on to themselves the same could be a logically acheived by a deep prayer,even if it is true, this again is possible only by the actions (prayer/devotion) as determined by your free will and hence beyond prognosis.
srivatsan wrote:But what are we doing with this Puraanams and Ithihasams? We are arguing in which language it was written, Which part of the world, it happened, BC or AD, Tamizh or Samskritham....and wasting our time and resources.
whatever it be, you have to give the devil its due, false claims need to be set right. For the ones who look at the crux the other 3 P's of the product is immaterial, but for the most the complete product is needed and so we have these arguments, do not forget that you are an active, partisan participant in that discussion.
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