Hi FloraiPuyal Good to see your post containing lot of reference to Modern Physics, Quantum mechanics, particle physics, state of particles, Einsteen, Stephen Hawkins etc etc… but unfortunately you are trying to relate all these modern theories and hypothesis to religion, old ancestral knowledge and astrology. I don’t have any doubts on our ancestor’s knowledge on astronomy. Some of the reference in Tholkappiyam and Thirumandiram indirectly relates to theory of relativity. Similarly there are references about flights in Ramayana. But if we start claiming that they had known theory of relativity or aerodynamics in real sense, no one will believe it. Your long message tries its best to connect to extremely opposite points/theories but the major link is miserably missing. If you really want to write the link between astrology and science please write the exact slogans supporting astrology from any of the ancestral work and give unbiased explanation first. Explain the planets considered in astrology and how it relates to day to day life to creatures on earth. Then we can have a healthy discussion (I can also write quoting from Fritjof Cofra, Deepak Chopra works etc etc relating to eastern wisdom and explain how the real (!) scientific views differ from them!)