srivatsan wrote: 'Jyothisham deals with how earth quakes can be predicted when a certain formation of Clouds appear in the sky.....It also has the facility to predict natural devastations from appearance on colour pattern in Sky.... ' Hi guys before proceeding furthur with the discussion we have to define Jyothisham from the above statement it looks like Srivatsan is talking more about remote sensing, Modern science has paved the way to predict certain happenings like earth quakes/Tsunami based on some leading indicators. The simplest example is, if there is an under water earth quake(known after fact) near a land mass than there is a very good chance of a Tsunami, if we install a Tsunami warning system that detects the wave patterns we can get a early warning, this is possible by a proper understanding of 'cause and effect', once the 'cause' has happened we can predict the 'effect' , this is an absolutely rational science. Without the proper understanding of the cause an effect we can only speculate based on empirical observations, some times even such predictions can be correct but it is not scientific. For instance there is a big earth quake 9.0 on the scale near the coast of indonesia (the cause) it results in a tsunami in TN coast (effect 1) people start running towards the land in the coastal regions(effect 2), the govt machineries in TN/India visit the coastal regions in TN (effect 3) based on this empiral observations if I say, when there is a earth quake close to coast in indonesia, officials in TN would visit the coast areas. I would be just making a fool of myself for being unscientific, but guess what my statement would be correct whenever the earth quake is more than 8.0 or so.