Jyothisham deals with how earth quakes can be predicted when a certain formation of Clouds appear in the sky.....It also has the facility to predict natural devastations from appearance on colour pattern in Sky.... Jyothisham doest not restrict itself by just predicting a Kuppan's or Suppan's marriage, job or children question.....
Astronomy is different from Astrology. .. TWO DIFFERENT BRANCHES of Science. Only the Astrologers can predict the events ahead, based on Astrology, the Study based on planetary positions in the relevant Horoscope. No doubt...there are Astrologers who are predicting on the Nations, People as also the whole world... But how far their predictions have come true in practice... by Reality? Why? I am fully convinced on the stand of one section of the Astrologers who have established Astrologically... that.. The future of a Country, or People collectively... cannot be predicted... and if done, it is contrary to the sense of Astrological- Science. The forecast on any person or living-being alone can be realistic and practicable...because Astrology is a Spiritual-Science applicable for any creature having the Athma (Soul) and the Brain comprising of Mind...both of which are Very important in Life. So Astrology gives much importance to the two planets ... Sun, the Athma-Kaaraka... and the Moon, the Manas-kaaraka... Not only that much.... Sun is also the Pithru-kaaraka (Concerning Father)...Moon the Maathru-kaaraka (Concerned with Mother)... Then it is needless to elaborate... .. that the importance of Sun and Moon in ones Horoscope, is as much important as for Father and Mother in Life.. So the Sun and Moon's positions in a Horoscope can do and undo the effects of all other planets.. Anybody can question... if the future of a Nation or its part... or its people, can be predicted, based on the relevant Birth- timings.... ...Why not similar prediction for a Tree I planted and a Building founded at a particular time?... Can they answer? ...May be he is able to say, based on his rare Psycho-might of PRECOGNITION... ...and cannot be... based on Astrology. [size=12]