Oustanding/haunting/Memorable performances of the decade
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02-21-2011, 04:25 PM
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Jun 2006
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Did you mean Pacino in Angels of America in your second entry (Shylock in MoV is a good dramatic performance, some of its pleasures belongs to stage. And yeah it IS now being played in Broadway!)
Good to see Clint being mentioned in your list too. I have to add that both Gran Torino & MDB are truly memorable performances to sign off the acting career. Although WHBH & Unforgiven both remain my personal favorite, I share the taste for his late surges. (even in the supposedly chic-flick Bridges of Madison Country, I thought he fit the part well. Heck, you notice him as much as Streep. Isn't that an achievement in itself?)
Had to restrict myself to one performance per actor. Or Bardem's work in NCFOM, & Sea Inside would certainly join 'Before Night Falls' in my list. For that matter, DDL is no less amazing in GONY, and absolutely masterful in the poignant father role in Ballad of Jack and Rose. These two are my personal favorites working in Hollywood today. Both should dominate the next decade (Unless DDL loses taste and goes on a sabbatical again).
I also feel a bit for not having included Bale's performance in The Machinist. Began the decade with American Psycho FFS! In his short career, had already worked with heavyweights like Mann, Malick and Herzog. And on a lighter note, voiced the English Howl of my favorite Miyazaki last decade (it made my list of Top 25 films too)..
I started off as a Tom Hanks fan, but I've begun to be little mean to his work post-(my discovery of)DDL/Bardem. But I'd still tip my hat off for films like Cast Away, one of my most revisited films. I also enjoy The Terminal every time it's on TV. And of course, voice acting Woody in my fav. franchise (perhaps only next to Godfather!)
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