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07-17-2006, 08:00 AM
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Dec 2008
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Hai-Madan, noramlly answers questions and lot of questions on Science and History are answered and looked by Readers as well Researched.
Latest Issue has a question by reader about using Tiruvalluvar Era- instead of using BC and AD i.e., KI.PI & KI.MU.
And Madan answers that all the tradtions on Tiruvalluvar are Pelas-lies.
Friends- the Truths are:
a. The dating method of BC/AD is dropped morethan 50 years back, and several Bibles I have and All encyclopedias use only BCE AND CE- i.e, Before Common Era and Common Era.They can be Va.Mu. and Va.Ka. referrting Varalarru Kalam and Varalarru Mundaya Kalam.
b. The detail on Jesus Christ are highly unreliable and date and year of his birth and death are not known.
Gospel of Matthew- Mary- Wife of Joseph, Son of Jacob from Bethleham was the mother of Jesus and this Jesus is 41st Generation from Abraham.
Luke' Gospel tells ; Mary-Wife of Joseph, Son OF Heli from Nazareth was the mother of Jesus; and this Jesus is 57th Generation from Abraham.
Matthew gives a date of BCE 6 OR 7 as birth Year,
Luke gives a date of CE 8 as Brith Year.
But the Genelogies of 16 Generations makes them live 400 years apart.
c. None of the sources of Jesus Life and Teaching are written by any Contemporary Eye Witnesses- Britanica Encycopedia.
Tiruvalluvar as per majority Scholars is dated to 100 BCE OR Earlier, for example Devaneya Pavanar dates him to 2nd Century BCE or Earilier. Certain Scholars fixed a rough date of 31BCE as Birth Year and this Tiruvalluvar Saga-era is used by many Tamil groups.
VIKATAN- OR ANY Leading Magazines should COMMENTS ON Tiruvalluvar must be done carefully, the missionaries like CALDwell and G.U.Pope dated him to 8th Cen, CE and this Wrong Chronology made Dr.Vaiapuri to date Tiruvalluvar to 700 CE. Later using Manimekhalai Schloars in middle of 20th Cen dated Tirukural to 100CE.
Mylapur SANthome Church Archbishop Arulappa funded a Major Project, a twin project:
1. A Re-interpretation of Tirukural as a Christian book by mis-reading the Tirukural and Manipulating Bible Verses was done and said that Tiruvalluvar was given Bible by Thomas the Apostle of Jesus who came to Mylapur.- One Dr.M.Deivanayagam got P.hd. from Tamil Christian Dept. funded by ArchBishop- saying Tiruvalluvar was inspired by Thomas and Saiva Siddhantha Literuature is from the inspiration from Bible.
2. Archbishop funded on Acharya Paul- around 15 lakhs in 70s, took him to Vatican, Europe and America and Tried to Fabricate Manuskripts of Tiruvalluvar-Thoma Connection. This ended in Court Case and That Paul was allowed to retain the House he bought from Church Money- by a out of court Settlement.
The Pity is we donot have any evidence of ANY Thomas coming to India, even a person of that name is doubted my Modern Biblical Scholars.
Vikatan must have been responsible, Stories on Jesus were more Doubtful than that of Tiruvalluvar
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