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06-17-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Jan 2006
Senior Member
Dear friends,
Nowadays people seem to be more interested in amassing money. They don’t want to have some ethics in accumulating the money.
‘Survivial of the fittest’ is their basic rule.
World people also use ‘Diplomacy’ in dealings and the sole pupose is overruling / acquiring money / power through even unethical means.
Amassing money is thought to be the happiness attaining process of most people.
Whereas the monks of various religions stress the need to abandon money in order to have happiness.
On the other hand without money untold sufferings of poor men prevails everywhere.
How can we come out this confusion state ? We should have money at the same time we should have happiness.
Money – happiness combination is focused as enemy to enemy combination and we will not have happy by this combination.
Dear friends,
Try to explore from ‘Thirukkural’
Valluvar should have some plan for this.
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