UNIQUE Language TAMIL. How?
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05-16-2006, 03:41 AM
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Apr 2007
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Originally Posted by
Vairamuthuvin Varighalhil:
"Thamizhukku Zha Azhagu"
சரியாகச் சொன்னீர்! தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகுதான். ஆனால் தமிழர்களால் "ழ" - கரத்தை சரியாக உச்சரிக்க முடிவதில்லையே ஏன்? இது மிகவும் தர்மசங்கடமான ஒரு நிலை. Apart from Tamil Brahmins and Malayalees, there are hardly people who can pronounce this unique letter properly. The blame should squarely go on the government for not enforcing it as a pre-requisite during elementary school eduction. There is no proper training.
தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகு என்றால், அரபு மொழிக்கு "
" (Lwad) அழகு. வேடிக்கை என்னவென்றால், அரபியர்களுக்கு நிகராக கேரளாவில் உள்ளவர்கள் மற்றும்தான் இந்த எழுத்தை சரியாக் உச்சரிக்கின்றனர். This letter "Lwad" is embedded in the "Allah" (
) and it has to be pronouced properly. Interestingly, even non-Muslims in Kerala pronouce Allah correctly. If you watch any Malayalam movie, the word will be pronounced properly by all actors. On the contrary, look at our actors like Vadivelu and Cilambarasam (all good Tamil names), they murder Tamil.
இந்நிலை எப்பொழுது மாறுமோ!
The fault lies ...NOT ON THE TAMILIAN INDIVIDUALS. who pronounce ZHA improperly.
The Lacunae is in the Teachers, Schools and Government who allow such SUB-STANDARD students to pass out.
Whenever I go to Kerala and move with the people there... including the poor and downtrodden folks...
I used to wonder... how they pronounce each and every letter of Malayalam, including ZHA, like Tamil...PHA like Urdu... GHA like Sanskrit.
There is NO WONDER... several present-day Tamilian teachers themselves, are unable to pronounce the Tamil letters including ZHA properlly.
Then how can we expect the students to learn and practice Tamil correctly.?
Lacunae is... LACK OF SINCERETY.... from the Schools and the Government.
Another Lacunae is... Tamilian-People are tolerating it.!!. CLASSICAL LANGUAGE.!!.
This is the present deteriorating state of affairs... since the past about 50 years.
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