A Historical account of the Mahabharata(m) war
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11-22-2005, 08:00 AM
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Dec 2006
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To think about it, the non-mention of Krishna must actually make us think. Why does a character who is supposed to have been held as God, not find any mention whatsoever in references to the war? Silapdhikaram has its own references to Krishna and his role, including "panjavarukku thoodu"
In the Mahabharatha per se, there is a mention of a Pandya king fighting alongside the Pandavas.
And look at the following, which Duryodhana descibes as being given to Yudhistra during the Rajasuya Yagna
And the
Kings of Chola and Pandya
, though they brought numberless jars of gold filled with fragrant sandal juice from the hills of Malaya, and loads of sandal and aloe wood from the Dardduras hills, and many gems of great brilliancy and fine cloths inlaid with gold, did not obtain permission (to enter). And the
king of the Singhalas
gave those best of sea-born gems called the lapis lazuli, and heaps of pearls also, and hundreds of coverlets for elephants. And numberless dark-coloured men with the ends of their, eyes red as copper, attired in clothes decked with gems, waited at the gate with those presents. This has been picked up from the Dyuta Parva Section 51 of the Sabha Parva of the MB
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