In this field I have strong facts and feelings also. But my problem was the new English. So I said sorry early thats my deal,, Now I posten my thread: First I can expose where Fear in religious comes from. Its similar to crossward puzzle, and if your haveing an high-IQ lifestyle, my info will be an old hat. Lucid = Lucky = Light = Loosen = Living = Lucifer, he of light, really interesting because ancient words turns to myth and onto religion. Buddhism is the foundetion of Christian beliefs but, as Buddha gained power and control and he inslaved several million Tibetans in the 200-250 BC years. So the true element of Buddhism, ENLIGHTENMENT, was destroyed from history's pages by an elite group. We know that if every peeps is free thinkers, the powers of control (illuminaty) dictate what is "truth" and makes America idolize a single guy CHRIST. On this we will all agree: sometime the gold just falls in ur lap. Think about it my man. Halo is a graphic metaphor of enlightenment. Just like the horse with wings is fast, but not really flying horse, except in Greek times they used some pegesus which is actually a different metephor which there is no point discussing here. A car cannot fly on a road (except AMG-Mercedes can do backflips). Step into the light, find HIS truth on your own way guy. Otherwise illuminaty will forever keep you in the dark. Not everyone wants to live at the dark. Like some of u know, I train underground in certain things they dont teach to the public. So im the example and you can be too. Some peeps break free of illuminaty. Consider eminem and obama. Depends on you and your luck. Some got it expensive, some got it cheap, some got it for free. Im not saying 2012 election is controlled by illuminaty but for America to vote the right peeps at the top (Pres, VP) and for them bringing the correct Crew to run ur nation, the americans have to believe in themself and he've Power of mind and spirit my man. Create peace. Dont utilize a Hating Style. Post your own thoughts. Im new in english so Im not trying to offend any religious. I am catholic. But I know of some facts: aliens exist. Enjoy life.