Tamil roots of sanskrit words
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08-31-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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From MosesMohammedSplomon:
FSG- I want you to look at the historical facts and not on wishful thinkings. Aryan Invasion was brought in By Maxmuller, Caldwell etc., and that is because they want to split Indians.
I have facts and go by International consenses of Dating of Literature and where as you Spread false assumptions.
Sanskrit Literature has its good as much as Tamil, and We donot have One Pre Sanskrit Tamil work.
Breaking of words are not Linguistc Science to fullness, An example- Computer is a Pukka TaMIL word- what a computer does- It Processes the Date given. i.e.,
Canthial of Puhithiya Tharavukal- which becaome Cani-Puhu-Tharvu as Computer'; Kanini or Kanipori is not that suitable.
We know this is not a right interpretation, but anybody can publish and another put it in Net and this will only put Indians as People-meaninglessly split and claim ubsurd roots and waste time.
Archeology is the best to guide and based on Stone Inscriptions the Tholkappiyam can be never dated earlier than 200-150 BCE, and first Tamil inscriptions are done after Samane North Indians wrote it in their scripts- the Tamil words, Tamil did not have previous scripts, atleast in pre-500 years prior to 500 BCE, Indus Seals, if you cut the Missionaries, 50% read it as Sanskrit and 50% as Proto-Tamil, but with morethan 4000 types of Pictures, they are more Picotorial than Scriptal.
Look at facts . India and Indian Culture extended from Celon to Iran, with both Tamil and Sanskrit , with Sanskrit on the insistence of Clergy becoming a Grammatical language, giving way to Pali and Prakrits. We have Pali Books telling Vedic/Ramayan/Mahabaat stories and these books have gone to neibouring countries in 250BCE, Asokan periods, now you bluff, no Vedas till 100 BCE, would be childish.
RSS is not a bad word thought I have no connection with it or accept its ideologies, its much better than Dravidians Parties of Tamilnadu, who now follow Varnasramadharma of putting Sons and Grandsons in all Posts.
Go by facts without Prejudices and accept truths.
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